Designed to reduce colour fading, Scotchgard Water & Sun Shield helps protect your furniture and outdoor gear by blocking out the sun's harmful UVA and UVB rays.
Plus, its powerful water and stain resistance makes everyday spills disappear in a snap.
Delivers superior water repellency to outdoor fabrics, leather and suede.
Ideal for use on patio furniture, patio umbrellas, grill covers, tarps, flags, awnings, boat covers, spa covers, auto covers and more.
Reapply Scotchgard Water & Sun Shield seasonally.
- Simple, one-step application.
- 297 g
Scotchgard Water and Sun Shield 5019-10UV 297g
- MPN: 10234
- UPC: 76308872083
- Sold in multiples of: 1
- M Warehouse: 6536
- Ex GST $25.14